We aim to make your life easier. So before your animal even begins its journey, our team will guide you through the process of getting all their travel documentation sorted, as well as assist you in making sure they’ve had all their necessary vet checks.

But that is not all…

We will also do the following:

Before the Journey

One: To ensure the highest quality care, we ask that all owners provide us with detailed information on their pets, so we know as much about them as possible. By understanding their likes and dislikes, we can ensure maximum comfort, but more importantly a stress free experience.

Two: At PETS Transport we understand how hard it can be to hand your furry family members into the care of someone else, so to give you greater peace of mind we ask for several methods of contacting you. This enables us to keep you up-to-date and aware of every stage of our journey e.g. all our arrival times, stops etc.

Three: To help develop a stronger relationship with your animal and ensure that they feel comfortable in our presence; Simon and Clair also offer boarding kennels at their home. Here pets and animals can meet our team and enjoy a relaxing stay before they travel.

On the Journey

One: Not only is our vehicle fitted with the latest climate control technology, air conditioning, heating systems and back-up alarms – to ensure a comfortable and stress free experience – it has been inspected by the Andalusian Institute of Agricultural Research and Training.

Their inspection offers you the instant promise that we are ready, able and licensed to run a high standard animal transport service.

Two: For further reassurance, we also utilise satellite navigation and tracking systems so you can track your well-loved pets and view real time updates of their progress.

In turn, Pete and Simon regularly take photos of the animals (on board) and post them to our dedicated PETS Transport Facebook page – or directly to yourselves – so you can see for yourself that your pets are healthy, happy and are having fun.

Three: We aim to keep in touch with you as much as possible, so throughout the journey you remain fully informed and aware of any potential time changes.


Four: Each animal receives its own securely fastened crate with constant access to clean, fluffy high quality bedding and fresh water from a non-tip bowl. At the same time, we also strive to maintain your pet’s normal routine. From regular walks to cuddles at least every 4 hours; we will keep to your usual feeding times and at night create a quiet, dark environment where they can sleep peacefully. Similarly, if your pet is currently taking medication or requires specific individual treatment; we will ensure that these are done to your full satisfaction.

Five: We aim for ultimate comfort and key to achieving this is providing your pet with company and reassurance. That is why our cab and sleeping area is situated close by, so Pete and Simon have full access to the animals in our care at all times, and can immediately respond to their needs or problems.

To learn more about our services and the shorter transport service we provide within Spain (up to 4 hours of travel), call us today.


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